Hello lovely! My name is Amber Phillips Whobrey, and I am the Founder/Designer of WHOBREY, a brand committed to elevating you to elegance!

I invite you to join our journey at WHOBREY, where being timeless, classic, and elegant extends well beyond our sense of style by connecting with us on Instagram @whobreythreads and by opting-in to our email community below.

Since I am truly a storyteller at heart, I invite you to learn more regarding the story of our brand and the woman that inspired its development below.

My name is Amber Phillips Whobrey, and I am an Old Soul and a Mama to a beautiful daughter (and currently expecting a baby boy). I feel most at ease when I am traveling, and you will be hard pressed to find an individual that loves peanut butter and sweet tea more than yours truly. I believe words have unending influence to move people in ways fellow man can't at times. I believe in femininity. I believe that good character and timeless class go a long way. I believe we women are stronger than we oftentimes give ourselves credit for. I believe not in dressing to impress, but dressing to influence - to influence the energy in a room of people, to influence the hearts and minds of those that are finally open to listen. I believe in building not just a life, but a legacy. I believe black and white are always not just in style, but in season. I believe confidence, knowledge, and wit makes a woman with ambition a force to be reckoned with. I believe investing in yourself and others has the potential to reap a reward you can forever be proud of supporting. I believe in doing better for my children, for myself, and for all women. I believe in being assertive with class and kindness, in taking a strong stand, in fighting the good fight. I believe in a handwritten letter - one with beautiful cursive and a signature unique to only you, your name. I believe the beauty in us lies in the balance of our strength and our softness, a balance that allows us to accomplish the things we dreamed of as children, but society told us were not feasible as an adult. I believe our names have meaning and our heritage has value. I believe all our stories are worth sharing upon the ears of those that long to listen with love. I believe in getting it wrong, then working harder to get it right. I believe the words we say and write matter and the mind in which they begin is our greatest asset. 

There was a woman that once embodied so many of these same beliefs and attributes. A woman that I looked up to, that I revered, and longed to imitate, though she probably never knew.

Her name was Medora.

Medora was a lifelong learner, an educator, and a lover of history, geneaology, and travel. 

One never served a kind act towards Meodra that didn't receive a lovely thank you card delivered in a timely manner with the most exquisite penmanship that brought you back in time with its' class and grandeur in every curve of a letter.

Time in her presence was a privilege for the intellect she brought to every conversation and the genuine interest she had in listening.

Every car ride was met with "let's take the scenic route" and her home was filled with meaningful memorabilia from her travels and friends across the globe. 

Her small, simple home was in no way a reflection or a demonstration of a small, simple life.

Rather, her wealth existed in her experiences, that laid treasured and kept in her memories that were shared in beautiful and interesting conversations that would make time pass with her feel like the flutter of a breeze.

Medora had high standards with a down-to-earth demeanor. Knowing her was a privilege. Loving her was an honor.

She was a woman that transcended time and captivated those around her with her beauty and grace, but kept their interest and affection with her wit, intelligence, and talent for meaningful conversation.

With every design, every fabric, every trim, my mind is on Medora. She is the legacy and inspiration behind our collections and truly embodied the lifestyle we are seeking to create at WHOBREY.

Our brand focuses on developing high-quality women’s clothing crafted to equip modern, professional women with elegance and influence.

Women just like Medora.

Timeless Designs, Classic Style, Confident Women.

That is the WHOBREY way.